has its home base in beautiful Colorado Springs (and now in Denver as well), surrounded by lush mountains and an incredible connection with nature. The company was started by three individuals that have long known the health benefits of CBD. Each of the founders brings a unique and knowledgeable skill set to the ranks at
A Medical Doctor with training in Nutrition and Family Medicine
An experienced marijuana and hemp Horticulturist of CBD strains and maker of CBD products
A Business Professional intimately in touch with the natural and medicinal supplement industry
All three saw the need for CBD and hemp related products but were never able to introduce the benefits of CBD to the general population through the medical marijuana platform, due to strict regulations surrounding the medical marijuana industry. When it became obvious there was an immense need, as shown by the multitudes of entire families that were uprooting themselves to come to Colorado just for CBD products, the vision for DiscoverCBD was formed. With the introduction of Industrial hemp-derived CBD products, they can finally bring the health benefits of CBD to the masses!