Event Details
Elderberry's farm and Education Center
1978 Harding Road
Paonia, CO 81428
United States
Pricing/Ticket Info
Event Dates and Times
Time Zone
(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Elderberry’s Herbal Education and Retreat Center presents our third annual Roots of Vitality – Adaptogens and Mushrooms for Seasonal Wellness, October 17-20, 2024.
This hands-on workshop is facilitated by Ben LeVine Nahar, Co-Founder & Chief Herbalist at Rasa; Shane Schoolman, Co-Founder & CEO at Mycolove Farm; & Lisa Ganora, CEO of Herbal Constituents & Director of Elderberry’s Farm. Your teachers have more than 45 years of collective experience in these arts and are excited to share their knowledge with you!
Registration: $399 includes all workshop activities & supplies, platform or meadow camping (with bathhouse), mid-day organic lunch & evening festivities. Indoor lodging options are also available.
During The Roots of Vitality Intensive, we delve into the arts & sciences of healing Adaptogens & Medicinal Mushrooms! We’ve designed this workshop for anyone who wants to learn how to cultivate, extract, & use adaptogenic herbs & tonic mushrooms for building health & vitality.
A Gynostemma (Jiaogulan, the "People's Ginseng") tea ceremony
Introduction & exploration of medicinal mycology
Adaptogen & medicinal mushroom Materia Medica
Medicine-making techniques for herbs & mushrooms, including the double extraction method for medicinal mushrooms
Participatory “provings" & organoleptics to experience & learn energetics & actions from the inside out
Sourcing, sustainability & cultivation of mushrooms & adaptogens (yes, you can grow Ashwagandha & other adaptogens in Colorado!)
Understanding medicinal mushroom quality & sourcing
Crafting a bone broth, adaptogen & tonic mushroom autumn soup for deep nutrition & healing (vegan version available)
Building personal relationships with your herbal & fungal allies
Creating your own adaptogen blend, customized for your constitution & health challenges
Exploring the Vitalist approach to building & restoring health through cultivating Chi